
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Loss in Life Again

Less than a year ago I posted a letter of sympathy to a family in my hometown because their son had been killed unexpectedly in a car accident.  I didn’t really know that boy personally but he graduated high school two years ahead of me and his father owns a local drive-thru restaurant that is well known.  My heart ached and my prayers went out to these people that I had only seen in passing because the thought of the same thing happening to me or my family was just unthinkable.  But, as everything does, it very quickly became a memory and everything was normal again in my thoughts.  Very unexpectedly and devastatingly this has happened again, and so, this post is another heartfelt letter to a family that is grieving unimaginably right now for a loved one that has been called home to be with our Lord a little earlier than us down here on Earth would’ve liked.    

As painful as this is for me to write, I feel an even bigger  need to express my heart broken condolences because the young man who has passed is the youngest son of my parent’s best friends and my father’s right hand man on the pipeline job they’ve been on for the past two months.  This past Saturday, in the early hours of the morning, he was killed in a tragic car accident in Pennsylvania.  My weekend and so far, week, has been in an upheaval ever since we all heard this news Saturday morning.  My mother immediately drove home from Oklahoma, and my father drove home on Sunday after taking care of the business that he could, so that they could both offer all their support to this young man’s parents.  It’s not like it’s our family but it’s the next closest thing.  My father has brought the personal things that he had home with him to give to the parents of this young man and we are planning a funeral for tomorrow morning.  This is going to be very hard to overcome.  Especially when life must go on and everyone will have to go back to where they need to be and continue whatever they are obligated to… work….children…or life in general.  For me that is always the hardest thing to do because it doesn’t seem right without this person being there to go back to normal with.  It just doesn’t seem fair. 

As far as my immediate family is concerned, this is one of the closest incidents to us where we have experienced a devastating loss.  We are so truly blessed in this aspect, but when faced with having to witness this level of grieving among people that we love and treasure, the stress and heartbroken pain is just almost unbearable.  Our thoughts and prayers for strength and guidance are with this entire family.   

To BKG: Your presence here on Earth is going to be so greatly missed that we may never fully recover.  A part of our hearts will always feel a void where you were in our lives.  Why this happened we do not know, but as you sit at the feet of Jesus Christ and  spend all of eternity singing and rejoicing in the holiness of our maker, our Heavenly Father, our Savior, we will be missing you,… but only with an anxious awaiting because one day soon we will again see your beautiful face and join you with the Angels in exquisite reverence of our Lord for all the rest of our days.  Until then, we will honor your life and the memories you left behind in our hearts.            

1 comment:

  1. I shared this on FB I hope you don't mind, I think it would be special for Teresa

    Love, Chels
