
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Overwhelmed Life

Today I feel very overwhelmed.  I was awake from 1:09 this morning until a little after 3:30. L I could not get my mind to shut back down after waking up that first time to my Lil Man trying to crawl into my bed.  After getting him back to sleep and sneaking back to my room my mind was like a mini Ferris Wheel.  Every time a buggy came to be emptied at the bottom it was something else that I need to do before this weekend gets here.  That’s a crazy way to describe it, but I’m a visually imaginative person and it helps me to describe things by painting the picture for you.  So, needless to say, I awoke this morning with a long mental “to do” list in my head and it has overwhelmed me.  I have wrote it all down and am trying to plan out the best possible strategy so that I can complete everything without being late or forgetting something, but somehow I’m doubting that it’s all going to be that easy. 

On a different note, I am going to attempt to post some pictures of this weekend on my blog because it is going to be so beautiful and so much fun and I want to share some of it with the world of blogging.  Almost every blog I have read and started following has pictures to go along with the writing.  I have been doing nothing but writing so far… I think it’s time to change it up a little. 

One of the gifts that I am going to give my best friend when the wedding is over is a journal that I have been carrying around with me for the past six weeks.  I had this journal at her wedding shower and have taken it around to her family and friends (and even some people that don’t even know her) and had them write a piece of advice to the bride and groom.  I have even gotten online and looked up famous quotes and bits of wisdom on marriage and filled in some of the blank pages with it.  I hope to have it all filled so it’s a book on how to build a good marriage that they can keep forever from the people that love them the most.  It has turned out to be one of the best ideas I’ve had during the whole wedding planning!  I almost want to make a copy of it and keep it for myself so I can go back and reread it when the time comes for me to marry again. (If THAT ever happens!)  

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