
Monday, May 30, 2011

Holiday From Work - Life

Happy Memorial Day!  In my entire life I've never had a family member in the military.  So, I've certainly never had a family member die in the military.  Now... I consider myself truly blessed that I have never experienced such a tragedy or the pain and hardship of being involved in the military.  My heart truly goes out to anyone who has experienced this.
Because of this, Memorial Day has always been a day where no one had to work and all the banks were closed (so you'd better have gotten all the money you needed out on Friday!), and everyone just hung around somewhere close to water and partied.  I have lots of wonderful memories of camping and tubing and doing things like that on Memorial Day.  My family has always been very close and to this day are very close.

This Memorial Day is a first for me.  I am now divorced and will be spending the entire day with my son getting to do fun Mommy/Lil Man stuff.  Unexpectedly, my half-older sister called me last night and wanted me and Lil Man to come over to her house for dinner so all of our kids could play together (she has 4 children all under the age of 11).  So, we loaded up and went to have a fun evening playing outside with his cousins.  Within the first 20 minutes he comes running up to me and he's completely soaked from head to toe and so I asked how he got so wet and he answered by saying that his cousin had sprayed him with the water hose!  You all know how the rest of our evening went... 5 children + a water hose + a few water guns = a really big water fight and a whole lot of fun!!
Me and my older sister just watched and laughed.  I'm really glad that I went over.  We don't get to spend as much time together as I would like.  Now..... this brings me up to date.  As we were getting ready to come home last night we were invited to tag along today with them to a new waterpark that has opened up about an hour from where I live.  Supposedly it's perfect for young kids because everything there is small and shallow water with an admission price of only $4.00 to get in.  That's my kind of waterpark!!! 

I'm sitting here enjoying my morning cup of coffee while Lil Man still sleeps and as soon as I'm finished we will be off to spend our Memorial Day at a waterpark.  How will you be spending your Memorial Day?

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