
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Picniking in Life

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

A son is a son till he gets a wife; a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life.
~ Author Unknown

Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.  ~Ann Geddes~

My newest addiction is!  I'm in love with this really cool picture editing website and I think for a very low yearly member fee it is totally worth everything that you get to use.  It's extremely user friendly and overall just a lot of fun to play around with.  Check it out!

To my two new friends, and my models for this particular day, thank you so much for weathering this cold, windy day and allowing me the privilege of taking your picture.  


1 comment:

  1. Wow! The pictures of Kody and his daughter are really good. I love the one in sepia where they are walking on the bridge, it is my favorite :) You are ever so talented sis! I'm so proud of you!
